Monday, July 02, 2007

Back from the depths

Its been a while.

Althought I severely doubt anyone has noticed, I'm not the world's most prominant blogger.

SO, since November last year I have (in reverse order)
- gotten married
- moved to Canberra
- been given a position as a volunteer minister

Life is a little different from 7 months ago. Good different and bad different.

Lachlan is working on his PhD, and I am working on sermons and bible studies and class worships and meetings and learning how to be a wife :)

Its good, I'm glad we are finally married, and settled here in Canberra. I can't say we are living in our dream house and dream location. But is pretty awesome living so close to the uni and the city.

I miss college, and I miss living with so many friends and in such a nice, quiet place. I know that the end of last year I was ready to move another place. But I miss people so much. I miss having a social life which is only just starting to reform with niew people and new activities. Less random conversations and more skiing...

Its interesting to me how hard it is to really get to know someone when you only see them one day a week. At college, seeing people everyday created an accelerated level of acquaintance, which had its bad side.

On the whole though, its been a good move. We are close enough to our families to see them if we want to , but 3-4 hours drive is a nice buffer to start our own lives and our own routines.

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