Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I can't believe Steve Irwin has died!

Its not like I was his biggest fan or anything, but I am genuinely upset. And its not because he was "the greatest Australian ever" as the media circus would have us believe, its not because I agreed with all his ideas and tactics, but there was something special about him.

Maybe I feel more upset about this than I would expect because I am so close to being married that the idea of loosing a partner is so incredibly tragic. Perhaps its the empathy for children loosing their father. But I don't think that's the only sad thing.

Steve Irwin was more alive than the average person. He was excited, he was genuinely passionate about life, his family and what he did.

So many people are only half alive, so many people are hardly alive, and so the loss of someone that was so passionate about living is tragic.

The loss of someone who was actually excited about getting up in the morning... we can't really afford losses like that sadly.

1 comment:

Sonja said...

Hey! I didn't know you had a blog!