Monday, August 06, 2007

Thieves and the AFP

I went to the gym this afternoon.

When I got there, I secured my new, present-from-Lachlan, shiny black bicycle to a 10 foot yellow post with my bike chain and then went into the gym.

45 minutes later I came back out on the street to discover that my bike was gone. They had even taken the bike chain.

The shop opposite the 10 foot post was a glass fronted cafe with three staff and no customers. Hopefully I strode inside. I explained the mysterious disappearance and asked if they had seen anything. They hadn't seen a single thing, and suggested that I file a police report.

So away to the police station I walked, helmet under my arm.

The middle-aged lady at the counter of the Federal Police Station was very nice, took all my details and promised that they would start working on it tonight.

I'm not very hopeful, or happy. Someone in Canberra is probably having a good night thought, they've just scored themselves a $700 bike...